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Trance For Matron


Writer/Performer | Lib Spry

Director | Luciana Bucheri

Musician | Dumisizwe Vuyo Bhembe

Set and Costume Designer | Lib Spry


Photos Wendy Philpott

Trance For Matron is about being old, from the point of view of one old woman caught up in an ecological disaster. I performed in a small room with the audience sitting around three of the walls. I was a mere foot or two away from some members of the audience at all times.


I think the most important thing for me in this piece was my choice to reveal my body.

The play was essentially a very slow strip show as the character told the story of her life: how,

swept out of her old folks’ home by a tsunami, she has ended up in this room with this group of

people. I started covered in plastic and many layers of clothing, and slowly removed layer after layer until, with a send up of a strip act as I sang, I took off the last layer of clothing to reveal my

old limbs in nothing but a bright red silk petticoat.


There were mixed feelings about this (minimal) showing of my body. A friend, a decade older than I, was in tears of joy as she felt I had nailed what it feels like to be old, and she was delighted that I had revealed my body. A man in his 30s was horrified that I had done such a thing, which he felt had been an obscene gesture on my part. Who, he asked, on the Fringe comment board, wants to see a woman’s body that old?

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